Why can’t you people post info on what changes/additions are made with each update for both phone and watch apps?
Bug fixes, new or improved features, etc.
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Sorted by
4 months ago
Agreed, just have an updates page, list each update with fixes, improvements and changes with the date of release and version number. Listed in decending order. Done
0 Votes
Jeffrey Hermanposted
4 months ago
This was in the email they sent:
Simplified map operation - it's now even easier to measure distance to any point on course.
Improved navigation in watch app
Better aerial maps caching for offline use
Swipe to open map or go back to scoring and distances
Why can’t you people post info on what changes/additions are made with each update for both phone and watch apps?
Bug fixes, new or improved features, etc.
0 Votes
Michael posted 4 months ago
Agreed, just have an updates page, list each update with fixes, improvements and changes with the date of release and version number. Listed in decending order. Done
0 Votes
Jeffrey Herman posted 4 months ago
This was in the email they sent:
0 Votes
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