Browsing Golf Courses - Show Distances from Tees you Select not just the Black tees

Posted 6 months ago by Nick

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I really like being able to search for golf courses and see the layout via the app.  However, it only shows distances from the furthest back tees.  Since I typically play either the blue or white tees, the distances are not accurate.  Therefore, being able to plan my shots ahead of time isn't very helpful.  I would really like to see a feature where I can select the tees I want to view so that the distances are what I will see on the course.

2 Votes



W Craig posted 6 months ago

Please include this feature. 

Plus mGolf Pad exceeds other apps I've used with its stored statistics of my shot distance AND dispersion. You should reward loyal members by allowing them to take advantage of this info. Show personal dispersion patterns for each club overlayed on a course map that I can review and mentally work my way through an entire course. 

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