Feature request to allow the ability to turn off contour greens without enabling rules-compliant mode. Also, when contour greens are on/available for a course, the map will automatically zoom in towards the green when editing shots in the tracker.
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Annie Malloryposted
1 day ago
Hi Jake,
I have sent this over to engineering and we are in agreement that this will be added in. They've started working on it this morning and is likely a couple updates away. Thanks for the suggestion!!
Feature request to allow the ability to turn off contour greens without enabling rules-compliant mode. Also, when contour greens are on/available for a course, the map will automatically zoom in towards the green when editing shots in the tracker.
0 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 1 day ago Admin
Hi Jake,
I have sent this over to engineering and we are in agreement that this will be added in. They've started working on it this morning and is likely a couple updates away. Thanks for the suggestion!!
0 Votes
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