That said the Strokes Gained area needs a lot of improvement.
Can we get Strokes Gained based on performance v players of the same/similar handicap? I'm sure 99.5%... maybe more of Golf Pad users don't care about how many shots they lose to a tour pro. Also would be good get SG based on over a whole round as well as per hole.
Thanks< Grant
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Matt Yposted
4 months ago
Hey Annie - is there an ETA on when the strokes gained update will occur now. that we've past summer? I've been waiting with great anticipation on this one.
This feature request is a huge missing piece of Golfpad for me. I admit that I've been considering switching to another app strictly because Golfpad doesn't have the benchmark comparisons for different handicaps. I guess this was a miss on my part when doing the research on which GPS enabled club tracker to get when I settled on Golfpad, but the data as it stands is really nor very useful for game improvement for mid to higher handicap players like myself.
Appreciate any information you might have on this update. Thanks.
1 Votes
Annie Malloryposted
11 months ago
Hi Grant, we are doing a whole upgrade to the Golf Pad statistics this summer. You will see s o much more and improved strokes gained. We are working through this as fast as we can!
Loving Golf Pad premium, thank you.
That said the Strokes Gained area needs a lot of improvement.
Can we get Strokes Gained based on performance v players of the same/similar handicap? I'm sure 99.5%... maybe more of Golf Pad users don't care about how many shots they lose to a tour pro. Also would be good get SG based on over a whole round as well as per hole.
0 Votes
Matt Y posted 4 months ago
Hey Annie - is there an ETA on when the strokes gained update will occur now. that we've past summer? I've been waiting with great anticipation on this one.
This feature request is a huge missing piece of Golfpad for me. I admit that I've been considering switching to another app strictly because Golfpad doesn't have the benchmark comparisons for different handicaps. I guess this was a miss on my part when doing the research on which GPS enabled club tracker to get when I settled on Golfpad, but the data as it stands is really nor very useful for game improvement for mid to higher handicap players like myself.
Appreciate any information you might have on this update. Thanks.
1 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 11 months ago Admin
Hi Grant, we are doing a whole upgrade to the Golf Pad statistics this summer. You will see s o much more and improved strokes gained. We are working through this as fast as we can!
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