Search Function

Posted 7 months ago by Stacy Wasson

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Stacy Wasson

I just had to do it again so I have to ask...could we get a search function in the Rounds section? I just scrolled back to 2016 (and that's a lot of scrolling!) to find a course I thought I had played. It would be so much more efficient to have a search function to that for me. 

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Stacy Wasson posted 6 months ago

Any progress on this request? Is it something that can be added without too much difficulty?

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Stacy Wasson posted 7 months ago

Thanks Annie, I've been meaning to ask for this function for years, I always thought someone else would beat me to it. :)

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Annie Mallory posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Stacy, I have passed this on to engineering and will keep you posted when I hear when this can be introduced!

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