Do you need to pay for premium to get shot distance and club selection?
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John Hillposted
12 months ago
I understand. Thanks for the prompt reply. I like what you offer but I can at this time get those features free, so I will stay with what incorrectly have. Thanks again,
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Annie Malloryposted
12 months ago
Hi John, syncing with a watch for club selection and distances is a paid feature. Fortunately our price for premium is considerably lower than any other gps app with more features. Please reach out if you need anything else!
Do you need to pay for premium to get shot distance and club selection?
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John Hill posted 12 months ago
I understand. Thanks for the prompt reply. I like what you offer but I can at this time get those features free, so I will stay with what incorrectly have. Thanks again,
0 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 12 months ago Admin
Hi John, syncing with a watch for club selection and distances is a paid feature. Fortunately our price for premium is considerably lower than any other gps app with more features. Please reach out if you need anything else!
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