I would like to request an option to compare two selectable ranges (last year vs this year, 50 rounds vs 50 rounds before, ...) in the statistics.
Currently it is possible to lookup the statistics, but it's not possible to compare.
It would be nice to visually see improvements.
Great app by the way.
2 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 3 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion and the kudos, Markus. I'll be sure our developers are made aware of the suggestion. We currently have an export feature you might find helpful in the meantime. This will provide you the ability to explore your playing statistics outside of the application. I hope this helps! - Cindy
Hi, I would like to request an option to compare two selectable ranges (last year vs this year, 50 rounds vs 50 rounds before, ...) in the statistics. Currently it is possible to lookup the statistics, but it's not possible to compare. It would be nice to visually see improvements. Great app by the way. Cheers Markus
2 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 3 years ago Admin
Thanks for the suggestion and the kudos, Markus. I'll be sure our developers are made aware of the suggestion. We currently have an export feature you might find helpful in the meantime. This will provide you the ability to explore your playing statistics outside of the application. I hope this helps! - Cindy
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