Club Selection on wear os watch

Posted over 2 years ago by Stuart rollo

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Stuart rollo

Hello do Wear os watches finally support club selection ? Cindy Scillo stated 6 month ago that this feature was coming soon. I gave up waiting and didn't renew my subscription. If this feature is available for wear OS then I'd happily pay for a subscription again

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 2 years ago Admin

You don't have to use Standalone mode to get club selection. Please verify you have "track shots and distances" selected under Smartwatch settings on the app. Tap the gear icon in upper right, scroll to the Smartwatch Sync, choose your watch and choose "track shots and distances". We'd love to have you back in the beta program if you are open to it. If you still don't see club selection, please use the "report a problem" option from the app settings to send support an email. 

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Richard Shaw posted over 2 years ago

Thanks Cindy, is watch club Selection only available in stand alone mode? Also, I left the Beta programme when there was a problem with an update, do I need to rejoin to get watch Club selection?

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 2 years ago Admin

Richard - please review the details of using the Standalone mode with Wear OS here. Let us know if you have questions. 

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Richard Shaw posted over 2 years ago

Hi Cindy, I use a TicWatch Pro with Wear OS, I cannot see how to use Club Selection on it, can you help please?

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 2 years ago Admin

I heard my name. :) Yes, club selection is available now, we'll be glad to have you back. I encourage you to subscribe before the 15th of Feb as we are implementing our first price change in 6 years. Anyone current and active will maintain the lower price point. Let me know if you have questions. - Cindy

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