Hi I paid for the pro version, despite there being missing key features and have been generally OK with what I paid for.
However, I now have a Garmin watch, as they are making HUGE leaps in quality when compared to other smartwatch brands.
I was really disappointed to find that despite a huge suite of Garmin watches having been around for quite some time, there is STILL is not even an iota of support for them.
I've seen a lot of hand-wavy responses about how the different providers APIs dictate integration, which as a software engineer, I accept.
However the total lack of a roadmap and any explanation about why and WHEN this might be generally available is a bit confounding.
I don't accept the premise that a small team is a sensible reason to leave hundreds of customers in the dark. If anything it makes a proper, transparent roadmap even MORE IMPORTANT.
Please for goodness sakes, release a complete roadmap, and let us know if and when you intend to support the third biggest smartwatch provider in the world.
I want to renew my subscription but I can't be bothered if you're not going to support the hardware.
Thanks for the app and your hard work.
0 Votes
Sorted by
Casey Zacekposted
10 months ago
I recently received my Garmin Forerunner 965 which is a fantastic watch, only to find zero connection between it and Golf Pad. There are many 3rd-party apps on the Garmin ConnectIQ store, so I know it's possible to develop for these watches. My renewal for GolfPad is up this week, but I will not be renewing since there has been zero movement on this effort.
And that really sucks because I have enjoyed using GolfPad for nearly 8 years.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 1 year ago
Hi Andy -As of now, there's no update regarding compatibility with Garmin. We'd love to make Golf Pad compatible with their watches if they ever permit it. It would be most effective if users, like yourself, express interest directly to Garmin, as they're the ones who can make the final decision on this matter. Thank you for your understanding.
0 Votes
Andy Doyleposted
over 1 year ago
Any updates on development here re Garmin? Just ordered a Fenix
0 Votes
Phil Mwakitawaposted
over 1 year ago
I think it is just a clash of egos as what is being asked for makes business sense and will be a perfect unbeatable match. Someone needs to do the right thing
1 Votes
Dan Dodgeposted
almost 2 years ago
I have a Garmin Venue 2 that I'd love to use Golf Pad on!! Please hook us up!!
1 Votes
almost 2 years ago
I fully agree with the other contributors here who are requesting support for Garmin. I have a Samsung smartwatch and a Garmin. The latter is vastly superior to the Samsung! Can't wait to see support for Garmin smartwatches!
1 Votes
almost 2 years ago
Jonathan, were you guys able to spike a version of the watch app on garmin?
Seems like their SDK is ok-ish...
Alternatively, if golfpad made available some sort of API, maybe developers could write their own garmin watch up and push scores to golf pad?
1 Votes
Thomas Depewposted
about 2 years ago
That is outstanding news Jonathan! With touchscreen creeping into the Garmin lines the user's experience could be extraordinary!! Golf Pad could be at the heart of a golf app revolution when paired and enjoyed by Garmin users current and future. Both brands (Golf Pad and Garmin) I imagine would strongly benefit with the universal utility, given that Garmin makes nice with the major phone brands, so one does not have to choose one OR the other, you can get the best of all worlds!! I realize it's a stand by to stand by situation, but many of us will be patiently waiting with our fingers crossed in the hopes that you choose favorably toward a relationship with Garmin. Thanks for at least considering the possibility and let us know when the picture clears up a touch.
0 Votes
Jonathan Andersenposted
about 2 years ago
Thomas, Thank you for your feedback. It is valuable for us to hear from our users and their wishes.
We actually have a bit of an update to share. Our engineering team is currently investigating additional smartwatch platforms. There is more work that needs to be completed before committing to any specifics or potential target dates. However, I thought you and others would appreciate knowing that Garmin is on this list!
We will provide updates as we have more information to share.
4 Votes
Thomas Depewposted
about 2 years ago
Yeah, I'm definitely on board with this thread. I've been using Golf Pad for several years now and fitness is also an important part of my family's lifestyle. Considering Garmin has vastly better hardware and software for their watches compared to Samsung, a good many of us would drop Samsung in a heartbeat for a Garmin watch if Golf Pad worked with Garmin. I would seriously consider the option of integrating with Garmin if possible. The marriage between Golf Pad and Garmin would be one for the ages!
0 Votes
almost 3 years ago
Garmin seems to have some SDKs and okay developer support.
Would you be interested in having a contractor help you add support?
I feel like this is a huge market segment you're missing out on. Garmin is by no means a small player on the golf market any more.
If the team wants to discuss this, maybe we can find a way to do a spike on Garmin support and roll it out to beta users. Please reach out to me.
0 Votes
Jonathan Andersenposted
almost 3 years ago
Hi Patrick, At this time we are not actively working on Garmin watch support. As a small team, we remain focused on providing the best service to the watches we do support. If the demand changes we will look into Garmin in the future, but we are not committing to it at this time. Thank you,
0 Votes
Patrick de Wittposted
almost 3 years ago
Is there at this moment already clarity about the support on Garmin watches?
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 3 years ago
Thank you, Raymond. We don't generally share the roadmap, as priorities may change and we don't want to create expectations we won't be able to fulfill. We will look into Garmin support in the future, but can't commit at this time. Our focus is currently on best-in-class support for Apple Watch and Wear OS.
Hi I paid for the pro version, despite there being missing key features and have been generally OK with what I paid for. However, I now have a Garmin watch, as they are making HUGE leaps in quality when compared to other smartwatch brands. I was really disappointed to find that despite a huge suite of Garmin watches having been around for quite some time, there is STILL is not even an iota of support for them. I've seen a lot of hand-wavy responses about how the different providers APIs dictate integration, which as a software engineer, I accept. However the total lack of a roadmap and any explanation about why and WHEN this might be generally available is a bit confounding. I don't accept the premise that a small team is a sensible reason to leave hundreds of customers in the dark. If anything it makes a proper, transparent roadmap even MORE IMPORTANT. Please for goodness sakes, release a complete roadmap, and let us know if and when you intend to support the third biggest smartwatch provider in the world. I want to renew my subscription but I can't be bothered if you're not going to support the hardware. Thanks for the app and your hard work.
0 Votes
Casey Zacek posted 10 months ago
I recently received my Garmin Forerunner 965 which is a fantastic watch, only to find zero connection between it and Golf Pad. There are many 3rd-party apps on the Garmin ConnectIQ store, so I know it's possible to develop for these watches. My renewal for GolfPad is up this week, but I will not be renewing since there has been zero movement on this effort.
And that really sucks because I have enjoyed using GolfPad for nearly 8 years.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 1 year ago Admin
Hi Andy -As of now, there's no update regarding compatibility with Garmin. We'd love to make Golf Pad compatible with their watches if they ever permit it. It would be most effective if users, like yourself, express interest directly to Garmin, as they're the ones who can make the final decision on this matter. Thank you for your understanding.
0 Votes
Andy Doyle posted over 1 year ago
Any updates on development here re Garmin? Just ordered a Fenix
0 Votes
Phil Mwakitawa posted over 1 year ago
I think it is just a clash of egos as what is being asked for makes business sense and will be a perfect unbeatable match. Someone needs to do the right thing
1 Votes
Dan Dodge posted almost 2 years ago
1 Votes
Jgielen posted almost 2 years ago
I fully agree with the other contributors here who are requesting support for Garmin. I have a Samsung smartwatch and a Garmin. The latter is vastly superior to the Samsung! Can't wait to see support for Garmin smartwatches!
1 Votes
Raymond posted almost 2 years ago
1 Votes
Thomas Depew posted about 2 years ago
0 Votes
Jonathan Andersen posted about 2 years ago Admin
Thomas, Thank you for your feedback. It is valuable for us to hear from our users and their wishes.
We actually have a bit of an update to share. Our engineering team is currently investigating additional smartwatch platforms. There is more work that needs to be completed before committing to any specifics or potential target dates. However, I thought you and others would appreciate knowing that Garmin is on this list!
We will provide updates as we have more information to share.
4 Votes
Thomas Depew posted about 2 years ago
0 Votes
Raymond posted almost 3 years ago
0 Votes
Jonathan Andersen posted almost 3 years ago Admin
Hi Patrick, At this time we are not actively working on Garmin watch support. As a small team, we remain focused on providing the best service to the watches we do support. If the demand changes we will look into Garmin in the future, but we are not committing to it at this time. Thank you,
0 Votes
Patrick de Witt posted almost 3 years ago
Is there at this moment already clarity about the support on Garmin watches?
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 3 years ago Admin
1 Votes
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