Just wondering if the "plays like" like distance is going to be available on android wear watches soon?
I noticed today while playing with my mate who has a Samsung galaxy watch he seemed to have a better watch interface that included the plays like distance...
2 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 4 years ago
Hi Brad - thanks for asking! We are just starting work on a major refresh for Wear OS. Plays like distances are planned in the next few months. Other functionality like club tracking will follow later. - Cindy
Hi, Just wondering if the "plays like" like distance is going to be available on android wear watches soon? I noticed today while playing with my mate who has a Samsung galaxy watch he seemed to have a better watch interface that included the plays like distance...
2 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 4 years ago Admin
Hi Brad - thanks for asking! We are just starting work on a major refresh for Wear OS. Plays like distances are planned in the next few months. Other functionality like club tracking will follow later. - Cindy
2 Votes
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