I see that Fitbit wearables are not supported by GolfPad currently. Any plans in the near future to do so? I'm in the market for a smartwatch/fitness tracker and FitBit seems to fit the bill for me.
5 Votes
Sorted by
about 3 years ago
I just wanted to check in and see if we can get and update on Fitbit Compatibility. Please let us know if this integration has been set up yet.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Steve - I love your enthusiasm. Personally, I'm not one of the developers, but I know our team HAS had and continues to have communication with Fitbit on the matter. I'll lend my voice to the thread on Fitbit's side too. Thanks for your added effort with this. - Cindy
1 Votes
Steve Arrowoodposted
almost 5 years ago
exactly so why do you think I posted it there too? Jump on in there and tell them you can help if you think it will matter. The idea is to spread the awareness and make it happen. I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a watch just to use the integration with the app. Fitbit devices are much more affordable and integrate with so many things already.
Maybe as a developer yourself you can make more specific requests than I would be doing on that forum so have at it.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Steve - It has to change on Fitbit's side. It's like when Apple wouldn't allow 3rd party integration with thier NFC readers for YEARS. They finally allowed it in 2018. As soon as that happened, we integrated our Golf Pad TAGS with iPhone. Our team wants to make it happen, just sometimes other companies have different business objectives. We've made our desire known and now, just have to wait and see if they change their policy. I hope that clears things up. - Cindy
0 Votes
Steve Arrowoodposted
almost 5 years ago
Right but the point is to I dunno make the integration happen?!? It really cannot be this difficult.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Steve - thanks for helping champion the cause! Looks like Fitbit confirmed what we've found - which is integration just isn't there yet. I know eBay has some offers on preowned or refurbished Apple Watches. Apple Watch 2 or later have GPS. There is now a Golf Pad Stand Alone option on Apple Watch Series 2 or later. Premium is required for smartwatch sync. If you don't have Premium yet, just send us a message for a free trial. You can read more here: https://support.golfpadgps.com/en/support/solutions/articles/6000222347-can-i-use-apple-watch-without-iphone- I hope this helps.
Thanks for being a long time user. It means a lot. - Cindy
0 Votes
Steve Arrowoodposted
almost 5 years ago
I've created a forum post on the Fitbit community site as well to see what can be done here. Feel free to chime in or just follow! This seems really silly to not be able to do in this day and age.
I'm not personally involved in the intracacies of navigating 3rd party integration with different brands. I know some are more open than others. I'll check with the team about any updates Fitbit may have released and get back to you. Thanks! We know Fitbit users are keen to have the option. - Cindy
Update: As far as we know, there haven't been any updates to FitBit SDK, so for now this feature is still on hold.
I'm not sure how this is true. Strava has a phone app that since with Fitbit and a watch app on the Fitbit. I understand that Fitbit does not make this easy, but I have no don't it could be done.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 5 years ago
We investigated Fitbit support, and unfortunately they do not support phone+watch companion apps like Pebble used to. We hope Fitbit will open up their SDK in the future.
0 Votes
Steve Arrowoodposted
over 5 years ago
Lmao a year ago: "Hello! We are going to add support for Fitbit watches this year."
Today: *Checks app* Still no Fitbit support
lmfaooo glad I didn't hold my breath on this one. FYI I stopped using this app because it's annoying to have to take out my phone every stroke to get accurate distances.
Do better.
0 Votes
Nicolas Girotposted
over 5 years ago
Any news ??? At least can you provide an api to make developers able to do something on there one...
0 Votes
Khawar Ahmad Khanposted
over 6 years ago
@Alyona Retunskaya any timeline as we have been waiting for a long time.
0 Votes
Tobias Björkmanposted
over 6 years ago
Great! Fitbit support is much anticipated and will be appreciated by many I believe!
I see that Fitbit wearables are not supported by GolfPad currently. Any plans in the near future to do so? I'm in the market for a smartwatch/fitness tracker and FitBit seems to fit the bill for me.
5 Votes
Ozman312 posted about 3 years ago
I just wanted to check in and see if we can get and update on Fitbit Compatibility. Please let us know if this integration has been set up yet.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
Hi Steve - I love your enthusiasm. Personally, I'm not one of the developers, but I know our team HAS had and continues to have communication with Fitbit on the matter. I'll lend my voice to the thread on Fitbit's side too. Thanks for your added effort with this. - Cindy
1 Votes
Steve Arrowood posted almost 5 years ago
exactly so why do you think I posted it there too? Jump on in there and tell them you can help if you think it will matter. The idea is to spread the awareness and make it happen. I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a watch just to use the integration with the app. Fitbit devices are much more affordable and integrate with so many things already.
Maybe as a developer yourself you can make more specific requests than I would be doing on that forum so have at it.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
Hi Steve - It has to change on Fitbit's side. It's like when Apple wouldn't allow 3rd party integration with thier NFC readers for YEARS. They finally allowed it in 2018. As soon as that happened, we integrated our Golf Pad TAGS with iPhone. Our team wants to make it happen, just sometimes other companies have different business objectives. We've made our desire known and now, just have to wait and see if they change their policy. I hope that clears things up. - Cindy
0 Votes
Steve Arrowood posted almost 5 years ago
Right but the point is to I dunno make the integration happen?!? It really cannot be this difficult.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
Hi Steve - thanks for helping champion the cause! Looks like Fitbit confirmed what we've found - which is integration just isn't there yet. I know eBay has some offers on preowned or refurbished Apple Watches. Apple Watch 2 or later have GPS. There is now a Golf Pad Stand Alone option on Apple Watch Series 2 or later. Premium is required for smartwatch sync. If you don't have Premium yet, just send us a message for a free trial. You can read more here: https://support.golfpadgps.com/en/support/solutions/articles/6000222347-can-i-use-apple-watch-without-iphone- I hope this helps.
Thanks for being a long time user. It means a lot. - Cindy
0 Votes
Steve Arrowood posted almost 5 years ago
I've created a forum post on the Fitbit community site as well to see what can be done here. Feel free to chime in or just follow! This seems really silly to not be able to do in this day and age.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
I'm not personally involved in the intracacies of navigating 3rd party integration with different brands. I know some are more open than others. I'll check with the team about any updates Fitbit may have released and get back to you. Thanks! We know Fitbit users are keen to have the option. - Cindy
Update: As far as we know, there haven't been any updates to FitBit SDK, so for now this feature is still on hold.
0 Votes
[email protected] posted almost 5 years ago
0 Votes
[email protected] posted almost 5 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin
We investigated Fitbit support, and unfortunately they do not support phone+watch companion apps like Pebble used to. We hope Fitbit will open up their SDK in the future.
0 Votes
Steve Arrowood posted over 5 years ago
Lmao a year ago: "Hello! We are going to add support for Fitbit watches this year."
Today: *Checks app* Still no Fitbit support
lmfaooo glad I didn't hold my breath on this one. FYI I stopped using this app because it's annoying to have to take out my phone every stroke to get accurate distances.
Do better.
0 Votes
Nicolas Girot posted over 5 years ago
0 Votes
Khawar Ahmad Khan posted over 6 years ago
0 Votes
Tobias Björkman posted over 6 years ago
1 Votes
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