Recently Samsung Gear 3 watch has updated their software and the app will not stay open on the watch. None of the features like shot recording or advancement of the hole work. Any solutions?
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Cindy Wrenposted
almost 2 years ago
@Aungmynt oo - yes, Galaxy Watch 5Pro is compatible with Golf Pad.
0 Votes
aungmynt ooposted
almost 2 years ago
Can I use galaxy watch 5 Pro?
0 Votes
aungmynt ooposted
almost 2 years ago
Samsung galaxy watch 5 pro can use with golf pad ?
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Ron. An update will be released in the next couple of days. Do let us know if you have any further issues the next time you play. The best way for us to address your personal situation is via a support ticket. Thanks for checking in. - Cindy
0 Votes
ron pickettposted
almost 5 years ago
The problem I had may disappear with the newest update. I'll just wait until the next time I go out.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 5 years ago
Hi Stevenjnaylor88! Thanks for asking about this. We definitely want your experience with the watch to be smooth. Please try this to start:
If there is no GPS when you use Golf Pad with smartwatches, please make sure that the battery optimization is switched off in phone settings (Settings --> Battery --> Battery optimization). If battery optimization is on, then Android turns off GPS for all applications when the screen is off. You can turn on battery optimization again after finishing playing with Golf Pad app.
Let us know if this solves the issue.
0 Votes
over 5 years ago
i have recently bought the premium app and have a gear 3 watch.
On the first hole, first shot the watch works fine when i get to take my second shot it says no gps on the watch. I need to get my phone back out and then the watch is ok until the next shot....
So i may aswell just use a free version of GOLF GPS as it dosent work properly on the watch.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 7 years ago
Christopher - we got a support ticket for this issue. You'll get a follow up email.
0 Votes
Christopher Brambilaposted
about 7 years ago
Yes it is consistently. I played again today and it would skip a hole. Like after hole 1 it would go to 3,5,9. I had to hit next on the phone to move to the correct hole.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 7 years ago
Christopher - are you seeing this two hole advance consistently or was it just a fluke? If it's all the time, we'll open a support ticket to look into it.
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Marcelino Sileoniposted
about 7 years ago
Thanks Christopher.
0 Votes
Christopher Brambilaposted
about 7 years ago
App now stays open during the whole round on Samsung watch. Only problem I had was when I was trying to go to next hole it would skip by two so I had to use my phone to go to the next hole. I'm just glad app stays open now.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 7 years ago
Thanks Christopher - we'll look for your update on Monday. Happy New Year!
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 7 years ago
If you are having trouble making Golf Pad distances display when you look on my Gear watch during a round, please follow these steps.
For Gear watches running Tizen 2 operating system: you can adjust this in settings, right on your Gear watch:
- Tap the settings icon
- Select Display
- Tap on Wake-up Gesture
- Select Last Viewed Screen
With Tizen 3 update, Samsung has removed the option for showing the last used app automatically. We are investigating the options for working around the limitation and will update this article as soon as we have any news. In the meantime you can make it easier to resume the Golf Pad app using home button double-press action. Step by step instructions:
- Make sure Golf Pad app is installed on your Gear watch
- Open settings on Gear
- Select Device
- Select Double press Home
- Choose Golf Pad
0 Votes
Christopher Brambilaposted
about 7 years ago
Checked and I have 3.1.4. I am playing Monday and i will confirm if the app is working properly. Thank you
Recently Samsung Gear 3 watch has updated their software and the app will not stay open on the watch. None of the features like shot recording or advancement of the hole work. Any solutions?
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 2 years ago Admin
@Aungmynt oo - yes, Galaxy Watch 5Pro is compatible with Golf Pad.
0 Votes
aungmynt oo posted almost 2 years ago
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aungmynt oo posted almost 2 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
Hi Ron. An update will be released in the next couple of days. Do let us know if you have any further issues the next time you play. The best way for us to address your personal situation is via a support ticket. Thanks for checking in. - Cindy
0 Votes
ron pickett posted almost 5 years ago
The problem I had may disappear with the newest update. I'll just wait until the next time I go out.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin
Hi Stevenjnaylor88! Thanks for asking about this. We definitely want your experience with the watch to be smooth. Please try this to start:
If there is no GPS when you use Golf Pad with smartwatches, please make sure that the battery optimization is switched off in phone settings (Settings --> Battery --> Battery optimization). If battery optimization is on, then Android turns off GPS for all applications when the screen is off. You can turn on battery optimization again after finishing playing with Golf Pad app.
Let us know if this solves the issue.
0 Votes
Stevenjnaylor88 posted over 5 years ago
i have recently bought the premium app and have a gear 3 watch.
On the first hole, first shot the watch works fine when i get to take my second shot it says no gps on the watch. I need to get my phone back out and then the watch is ok until the next shot....
So i may aswell just use a free version of GOLF GPS as it dosent work properly on the watch.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 7 years ago Admin
Christopher - we got a support ticket for this issue. You'll get a follow up email.
0 Votes
Christopher Brambila posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 7 years ago Admin
Christopher - are you seeing this two hole advance consistently or was it just a fluke? If it's all the time, we'll open a support ticket to look into it.
0 Votes
Marcelino Sileoni posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Christopher Brambila posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 7 years ago Admin
Thanks Christopher - we'll look for your update on Monday. Happy New Year!
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 7 years ago Admin
For Gear watches running Tizen 2 operating system: you can adjust this in settings, right on your Gear watch:
- Tap the settings icon
- Select Display
- Tap on Wake-up Gesture
- Select Last Viewed Screen
With Tizen 3 update, Samsung has removed the option for showing the last used app automatically. We are investigating the options for working around the limitation and will update this article as soon as we have any news. In the meantime you can make it easier to resume the Golf Pad app using home button double-press action. Step by step instructions:
- Make sure Golf Pad app is installed on your Gear watch
- Open settings on Gear
- Select Device
- Select Double press Home
- Choose Golf Pad
0 Votes
Christopher Brambila posted about 7 years ago
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