I recently got a new 52° wedge, and added it as a "lob wedge"
I only today noticed that I could have added it as a 52° wedge instead of a lob wedge, maybe being pedantic, but I'd like to change it and have all the stats carry over to the new club. Is this possible?
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Annie Malloryposted
4 months ago
Hi Jonny,
I spoke to support last night and unfortunately there is no way to rename the club without losing the stats. I will speak to engineering and see if there is something we can do though. This is a first for us so we will look into a solution
I recently got a new 52° wedge, and added it as a "lob wedge"
I only today noticed that I could have added it as a 52° wedge instead of a lob wedge, maybe being pedantic, but I'd like to change it and have all the stats carry over to the new club. Is this possible?
0 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 4 months ago Admin
Hi Jonny,
I spoke to support last night and unfortunately there is no way to rename the club without losing the stats. I will speak to engineering and see if there is something we can do though. This is a first for us so we will look into a solution
0 Votes
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