I am no longer using Tags, that was a short lived experiment. I have deleted all my previous club entries. I want to re-enter them along with a baseline yardage for each but the reference to Tags is still there and preventing that.
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Annie Malloryposted
6 months ago
Hey Dennis, you can turn the "enable tags" off and you should be able to reenter your bag. For future, no need to delete the clubs, just disable Tags :)
I am no longer using Tags, that was a short lived experiment. I have deleted all my previous club entries. I want to re-enter them along with a baseline yardage for each but the reference to Tags is still there and preventing that.
0 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 6 months ago Admin
Hey Dennis, you can turn the "enable tags" off and you should be able to reenter your bag. For future, no need to delete the clubs, just disable Tags :)
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