Touch sensitivity

Posted 3 months ago by K2SKIER112

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2 weeks ago the touch sensitivity got very low, only in GP app. It takes multiple touches to get any function, sometimes 6 or 7 taps.

No other app acts like this, only Golf Pad free

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Annie Mallory posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Steven, the fix is live now. So sorry for the delay, we were held up by google play for 5 days in review. It was fully released last night and should take care of the issues. Please keep us posted!


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Steven Forrest posted 3 months ago

Annie, 8 days ago you posted the fix will be uploaded.  How much longer should we wait before moving on to another app? This is ridiculous 

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Art Wakefield posted 3 months ago

Annie, your post from 7 days ago said the fix should be uploaded in a day or two. Is there an issue with the update? Is there something we have to do?

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Steven Forrest posted 3 months ago

Can we get an answer about when this issue will be fixed? It's ridiculous 

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Joshua posted 3 months ago

this is ridiculous, the app has been useless for over a week

1 Votes


Antonio Perez de Lucas posted 3 months ago

More than 2 days have already passed and it doesn't work. Too bad. Bye-bye Golf Pad. There are many golf apps in the market. Good luck to those who remain.

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Steven Forrest posted 3 months ago

Can we get an update on when it will be fixed?  The app is useless. 

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Antonio Perez de Lucas posted 3 months ago

Still have the problem. It's useless.You should fix this bug immediately. Thanks

1 Votes


Steven Forrest posted 3 months ago

I am still having this problem

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Antonio Perez de Lucas posted 3 months ago

I have the same problem. Will the update be reloaded automatically or shall I do it?

1 Votes


Annie Mallory posted 3 months ago Admin

This was a known issue and the latest update will take care of it! It's in for approval and should be released today or tomorrow!

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