Club auto-select when tracking

Posted about 2 years ago by Jeff Watts

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Jeff Watts

In the last update (1 March 2023) a feature was introduced that auto-selects the recommended club after a few seconds when tracking shots.

This is not as great a feature as the developers must have thought it to be and I find quite annoying. I rarely choose the club that the app recommends which means I have to pull my phone out of my pocket and delete the last club selection (I use a watch).

What I would like to know is how to turn this *off*.

Any advice is most welcome.


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Jeff Watts posted 11 months ago

Yes, it would be nice to have an update on the status of this. Even if the dev team are not going to change the way the app works.

3 Votes


Alistair McIntosh posted 11 months ago

9 Months after the last comment & this still appears to be an issue/feature.  

I find it VERY annoying when I'm already trying to be as quick as possible taking my shot.  It ads an extra frustration.  Yes, starting to scroll will cancel the auto select, but why not have the option to cancel it completely???

1 Votes


W T posted over 1 year ago

I just switched to Apple Watch and found this feature to be the most annoying and distracting. The watch should only suggest the club and I will agree or choose my own club. I shouldn't have to rush to stop the auto-select and try to undo it if I couldn't stop it in time. The way it used to work was much better.

3 Votes

Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 1 year ago Admin

We truly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Our team is actively working on enhancing this feature to allow customization, including the option to disable it entirely. Your input has not gone unnoticed, and we're committed to making these improvements.

To stay in the loop, please stay updated with the latest versions of our app. This way, you'll always have access to the most recent developments and enhancements. Thank you for your continued support. 

1 Votes


Francis Armstrong posted over 1 year ago

I would like to add myself to the list of highly unhappy clients.  Auto club select is a bad idea!  When you are in the middle of a round it is extremely annoying to have the club selected for all the reasons others have laid out previously.  This problem gives me two choices:

1) Stop using the APP

2) Stop in the middle of the fairway to figure out how to UNDO the wrongly selected club.

The foursomes behind me waiting to tee off would agree with me on this as well.  PLEASE provide the option to enable/disable auto-select of get rid of it.

4 Votes


Nik Gilbert posted over 1 year ago

I agree - having to immediately start scrolling to stop it auto selecting is quite fiddly and irritating. I probably only use the recommended club 50% of the time. In the UK wind is often a big factor, as is my ability to find the rough which completely negates the use of it. 

6 Votes

Jason Kinton

Jason Kinton posted over 1 year ago

Ony watch all you have to do to cancel the auto select is to start scrolling thru the list of clubs and it will cancel the auto select.

1 Votes


Jim Benedick posted over 1 year ago

Any movement on this from the Golf Pad team? I've only just recently downloaded the app and this is far and away the most aggravating feature.

7 Votes


Jean-Bruno posted almost 2 years ago

I find this really annoying. We should have the easy option of activating this option or not. Every time i am on the green it automaticaly select a 58 degre wedge. And a lot of other shots is just wrong because the app does not know if we are under a tree, or we just want to lay-up, etc. Please, make this optionnal so we can enjoy this app like we used to. It should be easy. I am a long time user of this app and i use the tags and a Samsung watch. Going back to my phone or watch to make corrections to my last shot (especialy on the greens in my case) is the last thing you want to do when you have a good round. Please and thank you!

4 Votes


Nadine Schall posted almost 2 years ago

I also do not undersrand why it chooses a PW or SW when I am standig on the putting green to putt. This feature is not very good made and I have to struggle with it all the time...Please please please...make it optional Happy Easter

2 Votes


Paul Hives posted almost 2 years ago

I agree with Jeff, Nadine, Sally ...  This 'feature' should be optional.

The assumption that a player should robotically choose the club purely according to their typical length is very flawed. Having grown up and learned to play the game in the UK (on links type courses) I play full shots with my irons only a minority of the time. I choose to shape and finesse my shots and no algorithm can do that for me. Also, things like the lie, the contours of the green, high vs low trajectory etc. make a huge difference on the club needed. The yardage is just the start of the thought process for me.

Please allow a way to turn off and override easily.  It doesn't seem like to would be hard (the hard part would be adding the capability in the first place) and it would not impact those that want to use the feature.  

6 Votes


Jeff Watts posted almost 2 years ago

Thank you Cindy, I didn't know that long or short shots are ignored. I might get rid of my "rescue wedge" and see how things go.  That said, I still think it would be a very good option to turn on or off in preferences. 

One thing of note: I used the app again today and noticed that the auto-select wasn't active on the tees. In the case of a par 4 or 5 I think an auto-select of a driver would be very helpful. It's only on the tees or greens that I would choose an obvious club.

Thanks again.

1 Votes

Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted almost 2 years ago Admin

Hi Jeff - thanks for sharing. You may already know, but Golf Pad has an algorithm to exclude abnormally short or long shots from club distance statistics. So that chips, bump-and-runs, recovery shots, mis-hits, etc. do not impact the statistics or club recommendations. You can also manually review and include or exclude shots from distance statistics. 

I've passed your feedback to the development team. I can't guarantee the outcome, however, we do take user feedback to heart when considering our road map. Thanks again for taking the time to share. 

1 Votes


Jeff Watts posted almost 2 years ago

Hi Cindy. The only time that I choose the club that the app has suggested is when my ball is sitting right in the middle of the fairway with no obstacles in my way (dog-legs, fairway bunkers, trees, wind, etc).

Also, I have created a "rescue wedge" that I choose when I'm hitting a recovery shot, I'm close to the green and hitting a chip and run or just using it when I don't want to affect the stats of my standard clubs. The "rescue wedge" can be anything in my bag. When I'm within the imagined range of the "rescue wedge", the app will choose it over the club that I want to use. It's normally within 90m or so of the green.

So in my case, the way that the app worked before (just pointing to the club rather than automatically selecting it) works better for me. In my view, the only reason to use it is when you're putting (i.e. not changing clubs), however, I don't track putts. :-)

I'd really like to be able to turn this feature off.


1 Votes

Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted almost 2 years ago Admin

Hi all - Regarding the auto-select club, there isn't a setting to turn it off, but the timer should stop when you scroll and then you'll should be able to choose the club that you. want. There is also "undo" option in track shot menu that will save you time if a club is selected that you aren't using. 

@Jeff Watts - I'm interested in learning more about your experience with the app's club recommendations. Most users who have tracked their rounds seem to find the recommendation to be accurate, especially with the PLAYS LIKE feature. Could you please share why you usually choose a different club? 

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