I'm getting my first superstroke putter grip and I've heard that the golfpad tags don't fit. Can anyone here confirm that, please?
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Jonathan Andersenposted
about 2 years ago
Hi Michael, This is correct, the current Golf Pad Tags do not fit properly on the super stroke putting grips. The good news is we have a solution for this in process! We're working swiftly to bring this solution to you and all other Golf Pad users that enjoy using the super stroke putter grips. Stay tuned, and we'll share more on this as we get closer.
In the meantime, you can track your putts in the app. More details/settings on this here.
Thank you,
1 Votes
John Broadisposted
about 2 years ago
The super stroke has an removeable aluminum center piece in the end. I unscrewed it then used a 3/16 drill bit to enlarge the hole.
0 Votes
almost 2 years ago
I cut stem screw off and Bluetack on
0 Votes
Robert E Calkins IVposted
over 1 year ago
Just adding in my comment for anyone who comes across this - I took Jeremy's advice and took the metal cap off my super stroke putter grip, and then used as much bluetack, mounting putty (from target) to have the plastic tag stay on. It worked through one round just great. Its a relatively easy solution in my mind. just have to buy the stuff from target for a few bucks.
I have a super stroker fatso 5.0 grip on my putter. The golf pad tags work on my grip.
I also was reading that they make tags especially for the super stroke grip if for some reason the pad that comes with the set does not work you can get the super stroke Golf Pad tag. But to answer your question simply yes it should work mine works and I have a fatso 5.0. Hope this helps.
I Love my tags also! Hope you do too!
0 Votes
Tim Hillposted
11 months ago
I'm confused. I have the super stroke fatso 5.0 on my putter and the tag picks up to register my club. Does that mean it will or won't work??
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Annie Malloryposted
11 months ago
It will work just fine! There are some Superstroke grips that don't fit the original tags but if yours fits, you're good to go!
I'm getting my first superstroke putter grip and I've heard that the golfpad tags don't fit. Can anyone here confirm that, please?
0 Votes
Jonathan Andersen posted about 2 years ago Admin
Hi Michael, This is correct, the current Golf Pad Tags do not fit properly on the super stroke putting grips. The good news is we have a solution for this in process! We're working swiftly to bring this solution to you and all other Golf Pad users that enjoy using the super stroke putter grips. Stay tuned, and we'll share more on this as we get closer.
In the meantime, you can track your putts in the app. More details/settings on this here.
Thank you,
1 Votes
John Broadis posted about 2 years ago
The super stroke has an removeable aluminum center piece in the end. I unscrewed it then used a 3/16 drill bit to enlarge the hole.
0 Votes
MR JEREMY M KRONK posted almost 2 years ago
0 Votes
Robert E Calkins IV posted over 1 year ago
Just adding in my comment for anyone who comes across this - I took Jeremy's advice and took the metal cap off my super stroke putter grip, and then used as much bluetack, mounting putty (from target) to have the plastic tag stay on. It worked through one round just great. Its a relatively easy solution in my mind. just have to buy the stuff from target for a few bucks.
(FYI I used this from target - https://www.target.com/p/scotch-2oz-removable-mounting-putty/-/A-13356391?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000112013092&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000011ewqQQAQ-3M_GoogleSearch_Stationary_BTS_2023-976656&adgroup=PLA_3M&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=c&location=1016367&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoeemBhCfARIsADR2QCsgQnxJBHY2Vu_BxsKcadrt2wV5yXXwg0LdjkYhTey81WoXEP8YXD8aAnYnEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)
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Tim Hill posted 11 months ago
I have a super stroker fatso 5.0 grip on my putter. The golf pad tags work on my grip.
I also was reading that they make tags especially for the super stroke grip if for some reason the pad that comes with the set does not work you can get the super stroke Golf Pad tag. But to answer your question simply yes it should work mine works and I have a fatso 5.0. Hope this helps.
I Love my tags also! Hope you do too!
0 Votes
Tim Hill posted 11 months ago
I'm confused. I have the super stroke fatso 5.0 on my putter and the tag picks up to register my club. Does that mean it will or won't work??
0 Votes
Annie Mallory posted 11 months ago Admin
It will work just fine! There are some Superstroke grips that don't fit the original tags but if yours fits, you're good to go!
0 Votes
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