Does anyone know how to ensure that the watch app stays always on so that it makes it as easy as possible to record shots and read distance?
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Cindy Wren posted
over 2 years ago
AdminBest Answer
Great question. Thanks for asking. Please see this support article for more information on how to keep the app open on your watch. - Cindy
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Andrew Tallentsposted
over 2 years ago
Mathew yes it works well. You just need to make sure the clock is not automatically overriding the golfgps app in watch settings and set the face to tilt to see screen. Working well last couple of weeks
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Mathew Brookesposted
over 2 years ago
I have been trying to find whether the app is compatible with the new pixel watch but your thread seems to have answered my question. Does it work well?
0 Votes
Andrew Tallentsposted
over 2 years ago
Thanks Cindy that seems to work on Galaxy but on the Google pixel watch display settings doesn't have the option of showing last app. Any other ideas?
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 2 years ago
Great question. Thanks for asking. Please see this support article for more information on how to keep the app open on your watch. - Cindy
Does anyone know how to ensure that the watch app stays always on so that it makes it as easy as possible to record shots and read distance? Andrew
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 2 years ago Admin Best Answer
Great question. Thanks for asking. Please see this support article for more information on how to keep the app open on your watch. - Cindy
0 Votes
Andrew Tallents posted over 2 years ago
0 Votes
Mathew Brookes posted over 2 years ago
0 Votes
Andrew Tallents posted over 2 years ago
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Cindy Wren posted over 2 years ago Admin Answer
Great question. Thanks for asking. Please see this support article for more information on how to keep the app open on your watch. - Cindy
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