Hi, I want to buy me a smart watch, which samsung smart watch would you recoment, I read reviews on the galaxy 4, battery not lasting a day, any advice welcome
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 3 years ago
We can't make specific recommendations, however, the list of compatible watches is here. I hope some Golf Pad users will share their experience with personal recommendations for you! Thanks for reaching out. - Cindy
Hi, I want to buy me a smart watch, which samsung smart watch would you recoment, I read reviews on the galaxy 4, battery not lasting a day, any advice welcome
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 3 years ago Admin
We can't make specific recommendations, however, the list of compatible watches is here. I hope some Golf Pad users will share their experience with personal recommendations for you! Thanks for reaching out. - Cindy
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