When calculating averages, are all shots used? If not, what are the cutoffs?
For example, I hit a club twice during a round and both shots were recorded. However, no average was calculated. ( I mishit both shots).
Also, for my pitching wedge, it looks like short shots are ignored in average distance?
Thanks Kevin
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hi Robert - great question. Golf Pad gives more weight to recent club data, so there is no need to manually exclude older rounds. - Cindy
0 Votes
Robert Greenfieldposted
over 4 years ago
Follow up question. As a beginner, I see that my distances are steadily increasing the more I play. Does the algorithm drop the older shots from the calculation and limit the calculation to say the last 30 or 60 days (last three rounds) or do I have to manually, toggle off the beginning rounds in the distance calculation?
Thank you in advance.
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hi Kevin Graham - thanks for asking about club averages and how they are calculated. Golf Pad has an algorithm to exclude abnormally short or long shots from club distance statistics. So that chips, bump-and-runs, recovery shots, mis-hits, etc. do not impact the statistics or club recommendations. You can also manually review and include or exclude shots from distance statistics.
To exclude a specific shot from your stats:
Tap Statistics on the home screen
Select Clubs
Chose the club you'd like to edit
Tap the History tab at the top of the screen
Next, you'll see a list of shots. Select the toggle switch to include or exclude a specific shot from your stats.
Does this help? If you have additional questions, just let us know.
When calculating averages, are all shots used? If not, what are the cutoffs? For example, I hit a club twice during a round and both shots were recorded. However, no average was calculated. ( I mishit both shots). Also, for my pitching wedge, it looks like short shots are ignored in average distance? Thanks Kevin
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Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hi Robert - great question. Golf Pad gives more weight to recent club data, so there is no need to manually exclude older rounds. - Cindy
0 Votes
Robert Greenfield posted over 4 years ago
Follow up question. As a beginner, I see that my distances are steadily increasing the more I play. Does the algorithm drop the older shots from the calculation and limit the calculation to say the last 30 or 60 days (last three rounds) or do I have to manually, toggle off the beginning rounds in the distance calculation?
Thank you in advance.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hi Kevin Graham - thanks for asking about club averages and how they are calculated. Golf Pad has an algorithm to exclude abnormally short or long shots from club distance statistics. So that chips, bump-and-runs, recovery shots, mis-hits, etc. do not impact the statistics or club recommendations. You can also manually review and include or exclude shots from distance statistics.
To exclude a specific shot from your stats:
Next, you'll see a list of shots. Select the toggle switch to include or exclude a specific shot from your stats.
Does this help? If you have additional questions, just let us know.
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