Wondering if anyone else has this issue. I play regularly with a buddy and we play in the same group but when I play without him he still gets an email of my scores and have no idea how. His email is nowhere in my app that I can't find. It's not a big issue but am curious how he gets them. I never get his.
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Dan Horriganposted
over 4 years ago
no problem man.. the whole marking every holes flag position bugs me! i'm juat starting to golf and would rather spend my time concentrating on my game not darn phone lol.. know the frustration.. glad I could help ;)
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Andrew Fietschposted
over 4 years ago
That was it. It was at the end of the round. His email was in the auto notify option. Thanks! That was really bugging me :)
I had this problem just one time.. I think that I had to unselect him and his email either right at the beginning before starting round or when I ended it. I put his email in one time we played and then it tried to send him every round I shot after that time automatically. Wherever you input YOUR email that sends each time you complete your round. I think lol
Wondering if anyone else has this issue. I play regularly with a buddy and we play in the same group but when I play without him he still gets an email of my scores and have no idea how. His email is nowhere in my app that I can't find. It's not a big issue but am curious how he gets them. I never get his.
1 Votes
Dan Horrigan posted over 4 years ago
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Andrew Fietsch posted over 4 years ago
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Dan Horrigan posted over 4 years ago
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Dan Horrigan posted over 4 years ago
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