I recently bought a new driver, but would like to keep the stats on my old one. When I retired my old driver I could not find a way to enter a new driver (on the phone app).
I assume if I delete the club I will loose all the stats. Is that correct?
Maybe there is a simple procedure to do this I overlooked. Advice is appreciated.
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Retired club distances are retained in the historical data. I'm checking to see if we can recover the deleted club data for you. - Cindy, Golf Pad
0 Votes
Kent Bernardposted
over 4 years ago
Is the distance history of a retired club used in calculating new distance recconendations with the new replacement club? If old club was deleted, is distance data lost and the GolfGPS user must enter estimated distance then build new history? While entering a set of irons, I accidentally deleted my 4iron, and the app seems to revert to my last avg distance.
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hi Ed - glad you found the different settings. When you retire a club, the data is retained. Let us know if you have other questions. - Cindy, Golf Pad
0 Votes
Ed Olivierposted
over 4 years ago
Never mind.
I was looking in Statistics>Clubs>Driver>Settings>Edit Club>Retire Club (or Delete)
I recently bought a new driver, but would like to keep the stats on my old one. When I retired my old driver I could not find a way to enter a new driver (on the phone app).
I assume if I delete the club I will loose all the stats. Is that correct?
Maybe there is a simple procedure to do this I overlooked. Advice is appreciated.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Retired club distances are retained in the historical data. I'm checking to see if we can recover the deleted club data for you. - Cindy, Golf Pad
0 Votes
Kent Bernard posted over 4 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hi Ed - glad you found the different settings. When you retire a club, the data is retained. Let us know if you have other questions. - Cindy, Golf Pad
0 Votes
Ed Olivier posted over 4 years ago
Never mind.
I was looking in Statistics>Clubs>Driver>Settings>Edit Club>Retire Club (or Delete)
To add a new driver or club (from home screen):
Settings>Club settings> + icon on lower right
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