Blown out holes

Posted over 4 years ago by Les Gombart

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Les Gombart

I need to understand how to score on blown out holes. I used the pick up option on my last round, only to discover that I was given a score of 0 which grossly understated the number of strokes for the whole game. Do I input a score of 3 or more more than par but ensure that I am not given any points? I am a poor golfer so need to do this too often 來

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin

Hi Les. You are correct - your historical statistics will reflect the strokes for the round. Have you tried the standalone version of the app? This may help with your watch use if you have a compatible Gear, Galaxy or Apple watch. 

Here's more information. 

Samsung Watch standalone mode.

Apple Watch standalone mored.  

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Les Gombart posted over 4 years ago

Thanks Cindy,

just to confirm. If I blow out two holes (a frequent occurence), my score card will reflect a lower stroke and if I interrogate the score card and need to capture onto a paper score card (e.g. for a comp), I will have to update as triple bogey or worse, but my statistics will correctly reflect the Score (strokes) for the round?

I am struggling to switch between phone and watch to capture all details so will probably revert to the old paper scorecard and just use the watch for distances etc.

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin

Thanks for joining the Golf Pad community to help you play a better game of golf! 'Pick up' is the right choice. It will not skew the statistics, the round will just be listed with fewer holes played. For stats, pickup will be considered as 'triple bogeys or worse'. If it does not work as expected, we'll need more details to investigate, like a screenshot.  If that's needed, you can email - Cindy

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