New iPhone Compatible TAGS - Feedback Wanted!

Posted over 6 years ago by Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren
Cindy Wren Admin

A few weeks ago we announced our NEW Golf Pad TAGS. Any Golf Pad TAGS purchased after November 1, 2018 are now compatible with iPhone 7 / iOS 12 or later as well as Android. iPhone users rejoice!

Tracking your shots automatically means you can focus on your game and keep your phone in your pocket. Hundreds of you have already purchased your new set. 

We focus on user feedback to continue to deliver the best experience and features. We want to hear from you! 

1. Are you an Android or iPhone user? 
2. What were your thoughts about the set up process of the new tags? 
3. Have you had time to use them on the course? What did you like most about using them? 

Any other thoughts you'd like to share with the team?

Ready, set, GO...

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Chris Carson posted over 5 years ago

I completed my second round with the tags. I turned of WiFi and email push and the battery seemed to last much longer, almost 20% left with 4-5 holes left. I went ahead and plugged in my portable charger though. I have had the screen unlock a few times with the phone in my pocket. I assume it is from touching my leg. I’m going to try with the screen facing away from the leg. I have also had problems while editing the scorecard after playing with the screen lock coming on when I try to zoom in on the course map. I have to turn the tag reader off during editing. I also had problems with, the phone reader not picking up the tag. In those occasions, I had to take the phone out of my pocket and read it directly. It could be the angle between the club shaft and the end of the phone since the phone moves around in my pocket and/or the otter box case. I’ll keep experimenting to see what works best.

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Frank posted over 5 years ago

I haven’t had this happen, but my case has a screen cover. This would decrease any potential issue as I can’t touch the screen in my pocket

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Brett McKinney posted over 5 years ago

I played a round with the tags today on my iPhone, and my phone kept unlocking from the smart lock in my pocket. Was a bit frustrating when I found my phone randomly playing music because the screen became unlocked. I definitely followed the instructions correctly. Any idea why this happens?

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin

Frank - thanks so much for the feedback. I'm glad you've found the standalone option with the watch useful. The tip with the iPhone is the NFC reader is in the top of the phone, rather than the back like most others. You know Apple, gotta break the mold! 

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Frank posted over 5 years ago

I use the tags with a iPhone Xs and apple watch. I find I can easily play 18 holes, but I will need to charge the phone later in the day. I do find it awkward to get the tags to register though on occasions ie stroking the edge of the phone over the tags for a while until something happens :-).

In the future it would be much better to be able to use the apple watch to do this. Currently I have stopped using the iphone now that I can do a standalone with the apple watch. This keeps my pockets phone free, which is much nicer.

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin

HI Chris - thanks for chiming in with your feedback. Please report back after trying some of those tips to help with battery life.

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Chris Carson posted over 5 years ago

I used the Tags with my iPhone 8 for the first time yesterday.  The registration went very smoothly and it was working well on the course for the first 11 holes, but the battery was drained at that point.  I was using the SmartLock feature.  I probably started the round at 85% but it was the only app running.  I did receive a couple of text messages during the round, but that was it.  Bluetooth was off but WiFi receiver was on.  I'll try some of your tips next weekend, and I'll take my charger just in case.

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted about 6 years ago Admin

Hi Mike - We appreciate the feedback! The majority of the users can complete a full 18-hole round, some users report they can play two rounds on a full charge. Ultimately, this depends on the model of the phone. Some newer phones have different features (possibly running in the background) that may be consuming additional battery. There are several things you can do to improve battery life: disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and online sync in system settings. Tune down the brightness of the screen as long as you can still read it outdoors. Avoid using other phone features such as browsing or email. 

We'll continue to do additional testing on these new iPhone models to ensure the app and phone work as efficiently as possible together. Let us know if these tips help when you play your next round. 

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Mike Elmalem posted about 6 years ago

Just started using the iPhone with tags. I switched from the reader as soon as they became available . It’s a definite drain on the battery of your cell phone. It’s practically impossible to finish around and have any charge left on your phone. That’s even with putting the phone in low battery mode. I have a brand new iPhone X with a very good battery like yet this app just kills it. It would be nice if your team worked on the power management supposed not such a drain on the phone

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted about 6 years ago Admin

Dale - I heard from our team was was informed that FitBit compatibility is on our roadmap for 2019. Sorry I don't have more specifics for you, but perhaps by the time the snow melts we'll have more news! 

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Dale Rupe posted about 6 years ago

Thank you for responding. I am using tags, and link. I’m in the snow state so time is not of the essence. Thank you for keeping me posted Dale Rupe

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Cindy Wren

Cindy Wren posted about 6 years ago Admin

Hi Dale! Thank you for your feedback. At this time, the iPhone/Samsung watch configuration isn't possible. We are working on FitBit compatibility. I'll get back to you with more details about the timeline. Are you using TAGS with your iPhone or just the Premium app? 

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Dale Rupe posted about 6 years ago

Just switched from android to iPhone. In doing so my Samsung fit s2 no longer works. It is compatible with iPhone but not 3rd party apps. Won’t even show apps. So with this. I will not pay 400 dollars for an iwatch. My only hope is you folks make Fitbit compatible.

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Dale Rupe posted about 6 years ago

Is there a timeline for Fitbit users?

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