Three months ago, Golf Pad has its Android version (15.5.1) with World Handicap System support. This month, we've released iPhone version (13.12) with World Handicap System support. Golf Pad will calculate both playing handicap for each round and handicap index from playing history. Users select the preferred handicap system in Golf Pad preferences.
Are you using WHS when you play? Let us know how you like the feature or if you have any questions in the comments.
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Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hi Robert - to answer your question: How many rounds does Golf Pad need to be able to calculate a handicap?
For EGA: just one round is needed
For WHS, CONGU and Golf Australia: 3 rounds are needed
For SAGA: 5 rounds are needed
For rounds to be used in handicap calculation, the tee must be selected and the rounds need to be completed and saved to your playing history. You can tap the DETAILS button (Android) or the arrow (iPhone) next to computed handicap to see what rounds were included in handicap calculation.
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Robert Greenfieldposted
over 4 years ago
I have played four 9 hole rounds of golf. Is it too soon to have a handicap and which Handicap System is recommended for a beginner?
This may help better understand how WHS is calculated. It's possible the miscalculation is due to having only a few rounds played so far. We will email you after we look more closely at the details you sent.
- Cindy
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Phil Michelposted
almost 5 years ago
I only have played six rounds so I don't know if that is the issue. WHSA calculates my "Handicap auto value" at +59.1! Please refer to the attached file. Note the differentials on rounds played 5/21, 5/20, and 5/18 compared to the other three, same course, same tees, same course ratings.
I like the concept but it isn't working properly. Support ticket #89060 already submitted.
Three months ago, Golf Pad has its Android version (15.5.1) with World Handicap System support. This month, we've released iPhone version (13.12) with World Handicap System support. Golf Pad will calculate both playing handicap for each round and handicap index from playing history. Users select the preferred handicap system in Golf Pad preferences.
Learn more about Golf Pad and WHS here.
Are you using WHS when you play? Let us know how you like the feature or if you have any questions in the comments.
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Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hi Robert - to answer your question: How many rounds does Golf Pad need to be able to calculate a handicap?
For EGA: just one round is needed
For WHS, CONGU and Golf Australia: 3 rounds are needed
For SAGA: 5 rounds are needed
For rounds to be used in handicap calculation, the tee must be selected and the rounds need to be completed and saved to your playing history. You can tap the DETAILS button (Android) or the arrow (iPhone) next to computed handicap to see what rounds were included in handicap calculation.
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Robert Greenfield posted over 4 years ago
I have played four 9 hole rounds of golf. Is it too soon to have a handicap and which Handicap System is recommended for a beginner?
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Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
- Cindy
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Phil Michel posted almost 5 years ago
I only have played six rounds so I don't know if that is the issue. WHSA calculates my "Handicap auto value" at +59.1! Please refer to the attached file. Note the differentials on rounds played 5/21, 5/20, and 5/18 compared to the other three, same course, same tees, same course ratings.
I like the concept but it isn't working properly. Support ticket #89060 already submitted.
Attachments (1)
305 KB
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